Colorchanging LED's, Frame, Microcontroller, Software. Frederick is inspired by the children's book about the mouse Frederick by Leo Lionni.
The field mouse Frederick is, while the mouse family collects supplies for the upcoming winter, seemingly hanging out. When asked what he does, he answers, he is collecting the sunshine, colors, and stories for the long and gray winter. When all the seeds and berries are eaten up during the long winter, Frederick warms his family with his collected sunshine and stories and does not let the winter appear so dull.
The parts of each color (red, green and blue) in each field are getting constantly darker, till one part is erased. Then a new random color is choosen for this field.
Frederick is one of my first pieces, and has been shown many times, including Kunstwerk des Monats at Berg, where this video has been recorded. Wowo Habdank, german stage and filmactor, reads the story of Frederick next to my piece. Many thanks to Katja Sebald, the protestant community Berg, Wowo Habdank, and Paul Grossmann.
Image by Jörn Kachelriess (2020).