a stereoscopic music video

Together with the DJ duo Hanuman Tribe, we created a musicvideo in stereo 3d. We used a powerwall installed at the University of applied Sciences Augsburg to learn a lot about stereo workflow, rendering and image composition. The screening took place at the powerwall with active shutterglasses. On the large screen, visitors were taken on a immersive, wild trip through a black and white world of abstract animations.
Also we supported Hanuman Tribe with a passive stereo 3d live visual performance at In Your Face Exhibition. Red/Blue glasses were given to the dancing people for a dive into the visuals.



SHUTTER (3D) from Daniel Bahr on Vimeo.

„Shutter“ is an experimental, animation-based, stereo 3d musicvideo, developed at the University of Applied Sciences Augsburg in cooperation with the DJ duo Hanuman Tribe.
„Shutter“ takes you on a furious black and white trip through the beauty of reduced virtual space.

Daniel Bahr
Sebastian Ettinger
Elias Naphausen

Hanuman Tribe
Lilian & Orchidan Waworka

Supervised by:
Sebastian Onufszak
Robert Rose

Created winter 13/14